An outline and pattern of John’s behavior

  • Another 2×2 Church Investigative Report

    FBI investigating 2×2 religious sect operating in Bay Area following alleged child sex abuse by ABC News affiliate, KGO. This reporting followed up from the Impact documentary, now on Hulu, titled “The Secrets Of The 2×2 Church” which is more in-depth and has a national perspective. John VanDenBerg is mentioned here as he grew up…

  • The Secrets of the 2×2 Church

    Will John VanDenBerg have a role in this series about “The Way”or “The Truth” as it is known by insiders?×2-church

  • Memorial Service

    The memorial service has been cancelled at this venue per Jonathan Wright, Worker and Minister, although the Special Meeting on April 14, 2024 is still planned at this location. A memorial service for John VanDenBerg is planned for Saturday, March 30, 2024 at the Peterson Middle School in Sunnyvale CA at 11:00AM. The address is…

  • Today

    Today marks the untimely passing of John VanDenBerg. While working on a construction project, evidently some of the roof structure failed. John was fatally injured and another person was severely injured and in critical condition. The loss of a life can be a sad and disheartening event. Further context of John’s passing. Dear California Staff,…

  • VICE News Is Reporting On The 2x2s

    An article from VICE News is highlighting the interest from the FBI into the alleged Child Sexual Abuse, and beyond. VICE reporters reached out to Darryl Doland, an overseer for Washington state, to confirm a visit from the FBI and as of February 10, “Doland would not confirm or deny whether he had received a…

  • FBI investigation into the 2×2 church

    Well, it looks like the other shoe has dropped the FBI is now seeking out victims within the US as well as internationally. This has taken 11 months to get to this point and finally some serious looking may take place. Anyone with contacts in Mexicali or Tijuana who knows of the incident with John…

  • Removal of John VanDenBerg from the ministry

    On April 25, 2023, Rob Newman informed friends via email(see below) that John would no longer be on the California staff and in the work. He cited “a complaint of inappropriate touching of a minor” as one of the reasons, and mentioned that authorities were aware of this. But which authorities? What does ‘authorities’ entail? Could it…

  • European trip highlights

    On August 26, 2014, John sent an email (see below) to a large recipient list. This email detailed his trip to Europe, the conventions he attended, and the people he met. The email also contained numerous pictures, among them an image of a young girl that can be seen on the main page. People who…

  • Mexico incident and application of Matt 18 and implied consent

    Firstly, we’re discussing John’s recurring failure to respect personal boundaries, particularly with young girls. John has exhibited this behavior on multiple occasions. One such early occurrence took place in Mexico, probably in the early 1990s, when John openly kissed an underage girl. The girl’s mother reported the incident to two sister workers, SW1 and SW2.…

  • Coming shortly

    There will be information posted here shortly. The purpose is to bring to the light, the behavior which has taken place, the manner in which the behavior was addressed, and the results. To clarify on the results, one would observe if there has/had been a modification of the behavior. Based on the guidance given, has…