John VanDenBerg

The man, the worker, the minister, JVDB

John VanDenBerg and young girl

The purpose is to expose the inappropriate behavior displayed by John VanDenBerg on numerous occasions(here and here) and the method by which the behavior was addressed and communicated amongst The Friends.

An issue to be addressed is a proclaimed unawareness of the behavior. The blatant, out in the open, inappropriate touching is considered grooming. While people claim to be unaware or recently coming to learn about CSA now, sounds disingenuous. Some workers had communicated to various friends with young children, to keep an eye on John. There were instances wherein workers observed John touching or inappropriately being in a young girls space.

While the behavior was overlooked or considered resolved, John’s behavior did not change, even after being confronted and subsequently warned. How is this even considered repentance, while his behavior continues? By NOT bringing his behavior to light and taking strong measures, as in exiting him from the work the first time it occurred, MAYBE others would not have received the JVDB experience? How many others are there?

Finally, measures and processes need to be in place to communicate to ALL the friends, clearly and concisely, when this type of behavior is observed. People, all people, need to know and be aware. Removing the subterfuge, which has plagued this specific issue/behavior in the past, is required.