
Today marks the untimely passing of John VanDenBerg.

While working on a construction project, evidently some of the roof structure failed. John was fatally injured and another person was severely injured and in critical condition.

The loss of a life can be a sad and disheartening event.

Further context of John’s passing.

Dear California Staff,

Rob requested to notify you that we received the sad, shocking news that our friend and brother John VanDenBerg died today in a construction accident by Puget Sound in Washington state.

He and Kent Kingman had been working in a house that Kingman’s purchased, and at 2:00PM PST today part of the roof collapsed. One of their sons who was there (fortunately not underneath when it came down) lifted the beam off his dad, but John was gone.  

Life-Flight transported Kent to a Seattle hospital. His wife Donna said that Kent was really banged up and that he was going to be okay.

No funeral details at this time.






8 responses to “Today”

  1. Jeff Andrews Avatar
    Jeff Andrews

    Timely. So, is this karma, a fluke accident, God’s hand at work? Time will continue to tell the story. Quite the legacy.

    1. Baliw Bill Avatar
      Baliw Bill

      Kent Kingman was not in critical condition! There was not a beam big enough in that roof system to kill a hamster…JVDB was silenced!

      1. J Hull Avatar
        J Hull

        where did you get your information? I know Kent and Donna. Your statement doesn’t add up.

  2. Joe Trapp Avatar
    Joe Trapp

    This man was a sexual predator and should not be seen as anything but that.
    He was not a good man. He was an evil sexual predator.

    1. PissedAndDisgusted Avatar

      Evidently, the word floating around(rumor) is that John was interviewed by the FBI and “cleared” of any wrong-doing? Since when does the FBI clear someone of wrong-doing?

      1. J Hull Avatar
        J Hull

        Never. No one anywhere has been ‘cleared’ of anything. We are in the information collecting stage.

      2. Marsha Ransom Avatar
        Marsha Ransom

        The FBI does not clear people. On the Zoom call tonight retired FBI agent Todd Price said they don’t clear anyone. Ever.

  3. MB Avatar

    He was silenced……he knew too much…and he was a disgusting individual so good riddance

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