European trip highlights

On August 26, 2014, John sent an email (see below) to a large recipient list. This email detailed his trip to Europe, the conventions he attended, and the people he met.

The email also contained numerous pictures, among them an image of a young girl that can be seen on the main page. People who are desensitized to Child Sexual Abuse, or who have not directly or indirectly experienced this behavior, might overlook the inappropriate position of his hands. But on closer inspection, what might we guess the young girl is thinking?

If someone other than John, a man held in high esteem, was in the picture, would we find it acceptable? As a worker, would it be suitable for John to touch an adult woman in the same way? How many other workers, both men and women, saw this picture and remained silent? How many friends viewed this picture without shock and said nothing?

One woman did speak up. She directly and firmly reprimanded John, stating he needs to keep his hands to himself. His reaction was simply, “Sorry that you were offended by the picture,” showing complete obliviousness to his inappropriate touch. Other responses included, “Oh, he likes kids,” “My mind just does not go to those kind of thoughts and I just do not see the inappropriateness, John being John,” and “Just a really stupid move on his part,” all indicating continued denial.

Here are some questions to ponder:

  • Does John’s behavior reflect the testimony of Christ?
  • Looking forward, will friends find this behavior acceptable? If yes, please explain. If not, please explain.
  • Did the woman who reprimanded him find resolution for her issue, based on the teachings of Matthew 18?
  • Should John’s behavior in 2014 have resulted in his removal from the church?
  • Have others observed similar behavior by John or anyone else? If so, did they report it to law enforcement?

Results often reveal intentions.  Therefore, considering the question, does this behavior represent the testimony of the ministry, what can we infer from the results? John had an incident in Mexico in the early 1990’s, has traveled extensively through 2014, and recently returned from a trip to Asia. Judging by John’s actions, overseers, leadership, or management, whatever term you prefer, have allowed his behavior. Will people continue to accept this as the testimony of the ministry?







One response to “European trip highlights”

  1. anonymous Avatar

    Yeah, pretty much a perv.

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