Mexico incident and application of Matt 18 and implied consent

Firstly, we’re discussing John’s recurring failure to respect personal boundaries, particularly with young girls. John has exhibited this behavior on multiple occasions.

One such early occurrence took place in Mexico, probably in the early 1990s, when John openly kissed an underage girl. The girl’s mother reported the incident to two sister workers, SW1 and SW2.

SW1 and SW2 advised the girl based on Matthew 18, urging her to confront John and seek resolution. The girl, located in Mexico, wrote a letter to John in Northern CA, which demanded a meeting with witnesses due to its content.

Around 2009/2010, Dale Schultz, the CA/AZ/HI Overseer, requested John to travel to Yuma to meet BW1.  BW1 and John traveled to Mexico to meet with the mother, daughter, SW1, and SW2. In this meeting, John denied any memory of the alleged kiss. His denial shocked everyone present. BW1 then apologized sincerely to the mother and daughter on behalf of the ministry, and they adjourned the meeting.

At this moment, the events following the Mexico meeting remain unclear, including any measures taken to address John’s behavior. Four workers who witnessed the meeting’s outcome, and an additional worker, Dale Shultz, knew about John’s abusive behavior. It  remains uncertain whether John’s abusive tendencies towards young girls, was known or unknown to others.

Here are several questions to consider:

  • Did Matthew 18’s teachings help the victim resolve the issue?
  • Does John’s behavior reflect the ministry? Despite definitive ‘No’ responses, the results suggest otherwise.
  • Should John’s behavior have led to his removal from the ministry at that time?
  • Did anyone communicate John’s actions to the staff or overseers who took over from him? If not, why not?
  • If John had been removed from the ministry for his behavior, could that have prevented further inappropriate behavior towards others?



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One response to “Mexico incident and application of Matt 18 and implied consent”

  1. Auriel Durston Avatar
    Auriel Durston

    If I had known about all this. I would never have asked him to speak at my husbands funeral
    My non professing family from oversees found him likeable, but now I am ashamed. He seemed so sincere. Its true to say we cannot trust anyone.
    Human beings are too fragile.
    Who needs funerals anyway. God has the last word A little service of family and trusted close friends would be okay.
    I was innocent arranging the service and ask those attending to forgive me.

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